La recherche menée par les é du département des Sciences Biologiques de l'Université de Montréal est diverse et créative! Vous trouverez ici de courtes entrevues où les nous parlent de leurs dernières publications scientifiques.
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Laura Kienzle, Stefano Bettinazzi et Thierry Choquette | Q&A
Laura Kienzle, Stefano Bettinazzi, Thierry Choquette, M. Brunet, H.H. Khorami, J-F Jacques, M. Moreau, X. Roucou, C.R. Landry, A. Angers and S. Breton – BMC Biology, 2023
Noura Jabr | Q&A
The embryology, metamorphosis, and muscle development of Schizocardium karankawa sp. nov. (Enteropneusta) from the Gulf of Mexico
Noura Jabr, P. Gonzalez, K.M. Kocot, and C.B. Cameron – EvoDevo, 2023
Vincent Mélançon | Q&A
Mitochondrial enzyme activities and body condition of naturally infected sunfish (Lepomis gibbosus)
Vincent Mélançon, S. Breton, S. Bettinazzi, M. Levet, and S.A. Binning – Physiological and Biochemical Zoology, 2023
Érik l'Heureux | Q&A
First record of the invasive slug Arion vulgaris Moquin-Tandon, 1885 (Gastropoda, Stylommatophora, Arionidae) in Quebec (Canada)
Érik l'Heureux, J. Lafond, and B. Angers – BioInvasions Records, 2023
Laura Kienzle, Stefano Bettinazzi, Thierry Choquette, M. Brunet, H.H. Khorami, J-F Jacques, M. Moreau, X. Roucou, C.R. Landry, A. Angers and S. Breton – BMC Biology, 2023
Noura Jabr | Q&A
The embryology, metamorphosis, and muscle development of Schizocardium karankawa sp. nov. (Enteropneusta) from the Gulf of Mexico
Noura Jabr, P. Gonzalez, K.M. Kocot, and C.B. Cameron – EvoDevo, 2023
Vincent Mélançon | Q&A
Mitochondrial enzyme activities and body condition of naturally infected sunfish (Lepomis gibbosus)
Vincent Mélançon, S. Breton, S. Bettinazzi, M. Levet, and S.A. Binning – Physiological and Biochemical Zoology, 2023
Érik l'Heureux | Q&A
First record of the invasive slug Arion vulgaris Moquin-Tandon, 1885 (Gastropoda, Stylommatophora, Arionidae) in Quebec (Canada)
Érik l'Heureux, J. Lafond, and B. Angers – BioInvasions Records, 2023
Marion Leménager | Q&A
Studying flowers in 3D using photogrammetry
Marion Leménager, J. Burkiewicz, D.J. Schoen, and S. Joly – New Phytologist, 2022
Maryane Gradito | Q&A
Heliotropism in Trillium grandiflorum provides increased reproductive success
Maryane Gradito, C. Fauteux, and S. Joly – Botany, 2022
Naíla Barbosa da Costa | Q&A (Version Française et anglaise)
A glyphosate-based herbicide cross-selects for antibiotic resistance genes in bacterioplankton communities
Naíla Barbosa da Costa, M-P. Hébert, V. Fugère, Y. Terrat, G. F. Fussmann, A. Gonzalez, and B. J. Shapiro – mSystems, 2022
Studying flowers in 3D using photogrammetry
Marion Leménager, J. Burkiewicz, D.J. Schoen, and S. Joly – New Phytologist, 2022
Maryane Gradito | Q&A
Heliotropism in Trillium grandiflorum provides increased reproductive success
Maryane Gradito, C. Fauteux, and S. Joly – Botany, 2022
Naíla Barbosa da Costa | Q&A (Version Française et anglaise)
A glyphosate-based herbicide cross-selects for antibiotic resistance genes in bacterioplankton communities
Naíla Barbosa da Costa, M-P. Hébert, V. Fugère, Y. Terrat, G. F. Fussmann, A. Gonzalez, and B. J. Shapiro – mSystems, 2022
Adrien Frémont | Q&A
Phytochelatin and coumarin enrichment in root exudates of arsenic-treated white lupin
Adrien Frémont, E. Sas, M. Sarrazin, E. Gonzalez, J. Brisson, F. E. Pitre, and N. J. B. Brereton – Plant, Cell & Environment, 2021
Audréanne Loiselle | Q&A
Resilience of lake-edge wetlands to water levels changes in a southern boreal lake
Audréanne Loiselle, R. Proulx, M. Larocque, and S. Pellerin – Wetlands Ecology and Management, 2021
Emmanuelle Chrétien |
Social group size and shelter availability influence individual metabolic traits in a social fish
Emmanuelle Chrétien, D. Boisclair, S. J. Cook, and S. S. Killen – Integrative Organismal Biology, 2021
Lise Millera Ferriz | Q&A
Role of organic matter and microbial communities in mercury retention and methylation in sediments near run-of-river hydroelectric dams
Lise Millera Ferriz, D. E. Ponton, V. Storck, M. Leclerc, F. Bilodeau, D. A. Walsh, M. Amyot – Science of The Total Environment, 2021
Maëva Perez | Q&A
Shining light on a deep-sea bacterial symbiont population structure with CRISPR
Maëva Perez, B. Angers, C.R. Young, and S. K. Juniper – Microbial Genomics, 2021
Maxime Leclerc | Q&A
Microbial Diversity and Mercury Methylation Activity in Periphytic Biofilms at a Run-of-River Hydroelectric Dam and Constructed Wetlands
Maxime Leclerc, M. C. Harrison, V. Storck, D. Planas, M. Amyot, and D. A. Walsh – mSphere, 2021
Emmanuelle Chrétien | Q&A
Does shelter influence the metabolic traits of a teleost fish?
Emmanuelle Chrétien, S. J. Cooke, and D. Boisclair – Journal of Fish Biology, 2020
Julie Faure | Q&A
Pollinator performance of the pollination generalist Rhytidophyllum bicolor (Gesneriaceae) in Haiti 15 months after the Matthew hurricane
Julie Faure et Simon Joly – Selbyana, 2020
Richard Labrie | Q&A
Spatial abundance distribution of prokaryotes is associated with dissolved organic matter composition and ecosystem function
Richard Labrie, S. Bélanger, R. Benner, and R. Maranger – Limnology and Oceanography, 2020
Richard Labrie | Q&A
Contrasting Patterns of Labile and Semilabile Dissolved Organic Carbon From Continental Waters to the Open Ocean
Richard Labrie, J-F. Lapierre, R Maranger – JGR: Biogeosciences, 2020
Simon Morvan | Q&A
Into the wild blueberry (Vaccinium angustifolium) rhizosphere microbiota
Simon Morvan, H. Meglouli, A. L-H Sahraoui, and M. Hijri – Environmental Microbiology, 2020
Virginie Lemieux | Q&A
Antifungal Potential of the Skin Microbiota of Hibernating Big Brown Bats (Eptesicus fuscus) Infected With the Causal Agent of White-Nose Syndrome
Virginie Lemieux-Labonté, N. A. S-Y. Dorville, C. K. R. Willis, and F-J. Lapointe – Frontiers in Microbiology, 2020
Does shelter influence the metabolic traits of a teleost fish?
Emmanuelle Chrétien, S. J. Cooke, and D. Boisclair – Journal of Fish Biology, 2020
Julie Faure | Q&A
Pollinator performance of the pollination generalist Rhytidophyllum bicolor (Gesneriaceae) in Haiti 15 months after the Matthew hurricane
Julie Faure et Simon Joly – Selbyana, 2020
Richard Labrie | Q&A
Spatial abundance distribution of prokaryotes is associated with dissolved organic matter composition and ecosystem function
Richard Labrie, S. Bélanger, R. Benner, and R. Maranger – Limnology and Oceanography, 2020
Richard Labrie | Q&A
Contrasting Patterns of Labile and Semilabile Dissolved Organic Carbon From Continental Waters to the Open Ocean
Richard Labrie, J-F. Lapierre, R Maranger – JGR: Biogeosciences, 2020
Simon Morvan | Q&A
Into the wild blueberry (Vaccinium angustifolium) rhizosphere microbiota
Simon Morvan, H. Meglouli, A. L-H Sahraoui, and M. Hijri – Environmental Microbiology, 2020
Virginie Lemieux | Q&A
Antifungal Potential of the Skin Microbiota of Hibernating Big Brown Bats (Eptesicus fuscus) Infected With the Causal Agent of White-Nose Syndrome
Virginie Lemieux-Labonté, N. A. S-Y. Dorville, C. K. R. Willis, and F-J. Lapointe – Frontiers in Microbiology, 2020